Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One Question---

How can it be that the Republican candidates want us to believe that they have the cojones to face down the Mullahs in Iran as fronted by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong Un, Vladimir Putin, the Taliban and what’s left of al-Qaida, and yet they cower in fear before a nincompoop of a talk-radio bully who chooses to pick on a school girl?


  1. Brilliant observation, you crazy, craaazy feminist!

    Even worse is this: He has not, as yet, taken ANY audience questions at his appearances. None. Now that is a man who is sure of what he believes and stands up to speak the truth.

    Oh, wait. Maybe not? Geeez.

  2. Oops, left one out. Nor has he appeared on "Meet the Press," which has interviewed every mainstream presidential candidate for decades. Now why would that be? Could it be because he'd have to be able to answer questions honestly??

  3. Ah, Paula, you expect so much! Answer questions? Bwwaaaahhhh! Actually, the lack of courage probably bothers me more than about anything else. :)
